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Jual Mesin Pengemas Produk CAIR di Tangerang
Mesin Pengemas Produk CAIR, LIQUID
PT Toko Mesin Maksindo menjual Mesin Pengemas Produk Bentuk Bubuk . Mesin ini bisa Anda gunkan untuk mengemas produk berbentuk bubuk. Beberapa contoh produk bentuk powder : Gula pasir, bubuk kopi, susu bubuk, krimer, bubuk coklat campuran, bubuk jamu, serbuk daun teh, serbuk fiber pelangsing, serbuk sari buah, serbuk minuman suplemen, serbuk jelly, tepung agar-agar, MSG, sodium cyclamate, bubuk pewarna makanan, bubuk bumbu dapur, tepung penyedap rasa, tepung beras, bubuk deterjen, bedak parfum (deodorant), pupuk majemuk, dan lain-lain.
Beberapa contoh bentuk butiran : camilan / makanan kering, biskuit, makaroni, biji kopi, kacang tanah, biji kacang-kacangan, rempah-rempah, permen bulat, pil jamu, dan lain-lain.
Video Mesin Pengemas Produk Cair, Liquid
Tipe : MSP-125 3SS LIQUID
Product : Kecap, Sabun Cair, Kecap Cabe, Saus Tomat, Selai,
dan Coklat Maximal Kap. 50 – 100 Ml
Seal Type : 3 Four Side Seal
Machine Type : Vertical Sachet
Seal Dimension : W = 40 – 120 Mm, L = 50 – 170 Mm
System : Piston Pump Filling, Stainless Steel 304 Contact Product
Machine Dimension : W × L × H = 655 × 675 × 1.675 Mm
Packaging Materials : OPP+PP, OPP+CPP, AL+PE, OPP+PE, NY+PE
Operating Speed : Maximal 60 Pack / Min
Supply Voltage : 220 V / 380 V Neutral 50Hz
Power Requirement & Electric Part : 1,5 KVA / 18 AMPS, Contractor Relay By Scheineder
Germany Photo Sensor By Autonic Korea
Tipe : MSP-165 3SS LIQUID
Product : Kecap, Sabun Cair, Saus Tomat, Minyak Goreng,
dan Kecap Cabe Maximal Kap. 200 – 400 Ml
Seal Type : 3 Side Seal With Piston Pump
Machine Type : Vertical Sachet
Seal Dimension : W = 40 – 160 Mm, L = 50 – 200 Mm
System : Piston Pump Filling, Stainless Steel 304 Contact Product
Machine Dimension : W × L × H = 765 × 710 × 1.930 Mm
Packaging Materials : OPP+PP, OPP+CPP, AL+PE, OPP+PE, NY+PE
Operating Speed : Maximal 60 Pack / Min
Supply Voltage : 220 V / 380 V Neutral 50Hz
Power Requirement & Electric Part : 1,5 KVA / 18 AMPS, Contractor Relay By Scheineder
Germany Photo Sensor By Autonic Korea
Tipe : MSP-200 3SS LIQUID
Product : Kecap, Sabun Cair, Saus, Minyak Goreng,
dan Kecap Cabe Maximal Kap. 600 – 1000 Ml
Seal Type : 3 Side Seal
Machine Type : Vertical Sachet
Seal Dimension : W = 40 – 190 Mm, L = 50 – 300 Mm
System : Piston Pump Filling, Stainless Steel 304 Contact Product
Machine Dimension : W × L × H = 765 × 710 × 2.750 Mm
Packaging Materials : OPP+PP, OPP+CPP, AL+PE, OPP+PE, NY+PE
Operating Speed : Maximal 40 Pack / Min
Supply Voltage : 220 V / 380 V Neutral 50Hz
Power Requirement & Electric Part : 1,5 KVA / 18 AMPS, Contractor Relay By Scheineder
Germany Photo Sensor By Autonic Korea
- Type : MSP-125 CS Liquid ( center seal Liquid)
- Filler : Sistem Pompa Mekanik D28-50mm
- Sealer : Vertikal 170mm, Horizontal 150mm
- Dimension : 670x945x1880 mm
- Volume Max : max 125ml saos ,sambal ,bumbu basah
- Weight : ± 350kg
- Daya Listrik : 1200 Watt, 220V
- Harga : Rp. 68.350.000